We’re excited to introduce the FMM Walkabout: Financial Modernization in Motion, an interactive journey into the future of UCSB’s financial ecosystem!

This open-house-style event will take place on Tuesday, October 17 from 2-4 p.m. in Corwin Pavilion and will offer an in-depth look at the new financial system. Refreshments will be provided. We recommend allocating an hour to attend, but encourage you to join us at whatever time best accommodates your schedule.

In addition to learning more about financial modernization at UCSB, you will also have the opportunity to speak to our experts, explore a variety of exhibits and demos, and win raffle prizes and other giveaways.

We are excited to share details about the FMM project with you in-person through our sponsors and representatives. A Google Calendar invitation is coming soon. We look forward to seeing you there!