About the Project
Financial Management Modernization (FMM) is UCSB's program dedicated to updating our campus financial system (CFS) as part of our commitment to modernizing systems and processes. This includes implementing Oracle Financials Cloud and Oracle Enterprise Planning and Budget software, as well as redesigning our Chart of Accounts (LAFSO) to a Common Chart of Accounts (CCOA) that will align with other campuses in the UC system.
This project represents an enormous opportunity to improve overall financial management processes and reporting on our campus, as well as retire a number of aging systems. The goal of FMM is to ensure UCSB has the infrastructure in place to deliver high-value, reliable, and easy-to-access financial services that allow the campus to focus on our mission of teaching, research and public service.
The simple answer is that our existing system does not meet the needs of our campus and key components will soon be phased out. UCSB’s financial system is oriented toward central accounting administration and UC Office of the President reporting requirements. The system does not provide the level of reporting nor the financial management tools needed for campus departments and projects.
The campus currently operates Oracle’s legacy PeopleSoft Financial Supply Chain Management 9.2 product. The dual major concerns are 1) The UC has mandated a new Common Chart of Accounts (CCOA) structure to be implemented by campuses, and; 2) Oracle announced that primary support for PeopleSoft may end in December 2031.
At present, the campus utilizes an ancillary, campus-developed software system (GUS) to manage research and department finances. A lack of integration with the campus financial system necessitates manual entry of general ledger data and creates risks of errors and potentially greater risks to the growing Federal research funding portfolio at UCSB.
- The campus has not yet implemented significant components of the PeopleSoft system, and numerous processes remain manual or are reliant on aging, custom-developed applications
- PeopleSoft is currently used primarily within Business and Financial Services
- Departments rely on custom legacy applications that do not seamlessly integrate with PeopleSoft
- Chart of Account fields reflect inconsistent utilization of the individual chart-fields and are not supported by all systems
Implementing a new COA essentially requires re-implementing the Campus Financial System and will impact/replace shadow, feeder and downstream systems. A restructured and managed CCOA, combined with standardized financial reports, will provide the campus with the opportunity for a singular, unified financial tool that will improve training and unify processes on campus, enabling the accurate and timely management of campus financial resources.
We assembled a team to lead the Financial Management Modernization program that represents divisional needs across UCSB. The project Steering Committee includes representation from academic departments, administration, budget, finance, Student Affairs, institutional advancement, and the Office of CIO. Within the project, a team of finance and budget subject matter experts is designing and configuring the system with our implementation partner, Deloitte Consulting LLP, bringing in campus stakeholders as their expertise is needed. Learn more about members of our project team here.
UCSB has partnered with Deloitte Consulting LLP to assist with the implementation of Oracle Financials Cloud. Deloitte is providing functional and technical expertise for the implementation and integration of the new system, as well as supporting business process mapping and optimization, project management, change, communications, and training. UCSB is responsible for the overall leadership of the project and for staffing each workstream with experts to advise the configuration of the cloud and to design the new business processes.
After an initial project launch with campus financial system stakeholders in early February 2022, the project moves into implementation with design and configuration sessions occurring through November 2023. System testing will follow configuration up until go-live in July 2025. An in-depth explanation and visual timeline are available here.
The project team anticipates a go-live date of July 2025, providing a clean fiscal year crossover.
COA restructuring will unlock and enable the accurate and timely management of campus financial resources. The campus will experience enhanced divisional and departmental budgeting, accounting, and reporting to improve financial management capabilities.
Integration of research fund tracking within the Oracle Financials Cloud system improves extramural and intramural fund management, both in day-to-day operations and in reporting. This will mitigate risks associated with Federal research funding.
A restructured and managed Common Chart of Accounts (CCOA), combined with standardized financial reports, will provide the campus with the opportunity for a singular, unified financial tool that will improve training and unify processes on campus. Core financial management training will be standardized across campus which will bolster compliance and mitigate the impacts of employee attrition on departments. Training will be further augmented by the development of reference guides and job aids.
The UC Office of the President (UCOP) has adopted Oracle and the new CCOA, both for their internal financial reporting and UC-wide financial reporting. UCOP, UC San Diego, UC Merced, UC Riverside, UC Davis and ANR are currently utilizing the new chart and Oracle Financials. UCLA will also implement changes, but their program is currently paused and a go-live date is to be determined. UC San Francisco and UC Berkeley already operate on a chart similar to the CCOA, so they do not expect significant chart changes and are staying with their current PeopleSoft systems. UC Irvine may retrofit its current Kuali system with the new chart and is evaluating moving to Oracle. UC Santa Cruz is expected to remain on Banner.
Systems Sunsetting
Features within Oracle Financials Cloud will replace TOE, TOF, and GUS. Portions of the GMC may remain in place to provide support for some Concur functions. Additionally, we expect new reporting tools in place prior to go-live. As we learn more about the functionality and fit of OFC, we will identify solutions based on business requirements if there are essential capabilities that cannot be accommodated by the product.
There are various reasons:
- In the current state, there is considerable effort expended by the GUS user to “reconcile,” or match later actual expenditures from the General Ledger with the anticipated “liened” expenditures, and adjust the liens and account for variances. OFC provides that integration without any manual intervention
- GUS was designed around the current COA structure and created to meet departmental needs for more granular budgeting, tracking, and reporting. OFC will provide real-time data (no more manual entry), as well as the level of granularity and reporting capabilities that departments haven’t had in prior financial systems
- In addition, overhauling & redesigning GUS to align with OFC and the CCOA would be extremely difficult to achieve, virtually unsustainable to maintain, and result in redundancies/duplications with delivered OFC functionalities
We are no longer sunsetting Gateway and will retain this system for procurement. A remediation project is underway to integrate Gateway with Oracle Financials Cloud.
The Data Warehouse will be replaced with a new reporting solution to meet the needs of the FMM project. The current Eazy Access, Online GL, and Hyperion Desktop tools will be deprecated overtime as HR and Financial reports are migrated to the new solution.
Most of the functionality of the Gateway Management Console (GMC) will be replaced by Oracle Financials Cloud (OFC). Role management for OFC, Gateway, and Concur will be handled in OFC. The eSpresso systems will be replaced with OFC. The GMC will still handle role management primarily for BARC only.
In addition, no account string creation or syncing of chartfield data will be used in the GMC. The CCOA's primary source will be Enterprise Data Management (EDM) and Projects & Grants Management (PGM) for projects. Data will feed from those data sources to other systems instead.
An integration between ORBiT and OFC has not been deemed necessary. Award Synopsis details from ORBiT will be manually copy/pasted into OFC to start the budget process.
We are confident that the FMM implementation will include better tools that will allow for less reliance on shadow systems. With that said, we don't have a campus inventory of how many shadow systems are in use and how departments use them. The goal of FMM is to standardize financial management across campus and provide better reporting capability, which will in turn reduce our reliance on shadow systems.
Oracle Financials Cloud (OFC)
UC San Diego evaluated Oracle, SAP and Kuali in their "cost-per-quality-point" based RFP (request for proposal), and Oracle prevailed under this analysis. UCLA also conducted an RFP in which Oracle also prevailed.
Oracle is anticipated to have monthly summarized GL totals from the prior one year to allow a certain degree of year-to-year comparison. Historical data will continue to be available in the legacy Data Warehouse and in the long run it will be preserved in the new Data Warehouse. Reporting that relies on payroll/HR data, or multi-year reports that rely on historical data, will be provided in the legacy Data Warehouse. New Financial and UCPath reporting will be developed in the new Data Warehouse and will include some historical comparative data.
Yes, Equipment/Asset Management is a component of the new system's “Record-to-Report” (RTR) workstream. OFC has a subsidiary ledger (module) for Fixed Assets. Fixed Assets is where all the detail for completed equipment assets and completed buildings will be maintained. The Equipment Management team and General Accounting's Plant Account team will be managing UCSB's fixed assets in this module. The Equipment Management team will be managing inventorial asset inventory in this module as well.
We understand that there are significant impacts resulting from decisions on where and how business functions are performed. At the same time the campus is hoping to adopt stream-lined “leading practices” based on business requirements rather than historical practices, which are informed by the experiences of both our implementation partner and the other campuses who have moved to Oracle.
While we haven’t yet had hands-on experience adding comments/notes (this will come during testing), there will be options for adding free form notes to transactions at the time of charging in respective subledgers. Some users can also add freeform descriptions/comments on specific project-related transactions in the Projects & Grants Management (PGM) module.
Additionally, our new Common Chart of Accounts (CCOA) will provide a new and more robust approach to expense categorization in the future state. That said, unlike the current state, fields will be pre-defined and not user defined in order to have consistent data across campus.
Our Projects & Grants Management (PGM) module design approach has integrated GUS user requirements that were gathered a couple of years ago through a lengthy grassroots effort. That said, because we are not trying to replicate all individual GUS functionalities, there will certainly be changes. There are lots of capabilities for reporting, filtering, searching, etc. based on various project attributes, similar to the way departments use various fields in GUS to achieve similar means. The big difference in the future state will be a standardization of field use vs. user-defined fields.
We've identified three key areas in current state where departments 'lien' expenses in GUS or other shadow systems: (1) Gateway requisitions, (2) subawards, and (3) anticipated payroll expenses. Jaggaer (Gateway) will be integrated with OFC and purchase orders will create 'commitments' (aka encumbrances) in PGM which will be updated throughout the lifecycle of the requisition (e.g. move from a 'commitment' to an 'expense'). This includes subawards, which will be processed via purchase orders in Gateway. Other expenses will be posted in real time, eliminating the need to post a separate shadow transaction and then reconcile at month end.
A group of key GUS Board members and super users are working with the Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) workstream to build and test a module for Project Forecasting, specifically for PGM projects, which will include calculated salary and benefit projections based on UCPath data for hired employees. Additionally, this module will allow for forecasting future anticipated expenses and expected to be reflected in key Data Warehouse reports. More to come on this feature at a later date.
Oracle Financials Cloud provides robust reporting functionality for users in the future state. Oracle combines three main reporting tools - OTBI, Oracle Analytics Cloud, and Business Intelligence Publisher - to meet the individual cost and expense reporting needs of UCSB. OTBI is likely the primary tool used by end users and combines subject areas, filters, and search criteria to create an easy to use, easy to adjust report based on your needs. For example, if I need to see all salary costs for a specific Sponsored project, I can use OTBI to search for that specific project and filter by Salary cost types. This functionality is available across modules - we can create reports for Project and Grants Management (PGM), but also for any data in Procure to Pay, the General Ledger, etc.
Additionally, the system is set up to allow the modules to communicate with each other and allows drill down features in certain areas. For example, if I am in the PGM module reviewing a specific cost from a Purchase Order, I can typically click into that reference Purchase Order and see all of the information available on the Procure to Pay side.
Common Chart of Accounts
Implementing the new Common Chart of Accounts (CCOA) requires a significant change in how financial transactions are recorded and reported. The new CCOA is a systemwide initiative creating a common reporting structure for all UC locations. Oracle Financials Cloud (OFC) will replace PeopleSoft. Other subsystems that contain chartfields, such as UCPath, Gateway, and Concur, will need to be modified.
The FMM program has a team devoted to training and communication and will develop a range of options for providing support to system users. For the latest news and announcements regarding learning opportunities, anyone interested in the new Chart of Accounts is encouraged to sign up for the FMM mailing list.
Yes. UC Riverside, UC Merced, UC San Diego, and UC Davis are already using the new CCOA. Other campuses are anticipated to go live with the new chart in FY 2025 and later.
There is currently information about chart terminology on the FMM website, and a glossary will also be included in the CCOA Explorer Tool report located in Power BI.
The OFC Projects and Grants Management (PGM) module will be used to administer qualifying projects. New PGM projects and those converted from GUS will be assigned new project codes. Tools to cross-walk between the old project numbers and the new project numbers are planned.
Some current state GUS projects will not meet the criteria for a future state project managed in the PGM module. In addition, many departments use the current project flexfield in order to satisfy specific tracking needs. When the new Chart of Accounts goes live, departments may find that using the other CCOA segments will be sufficient for budgeting, executing, and reporting their financial transactions.
Most current chartfields have been mapped to a corresponding new CCOA segment. We are evaluating how to best map the current discretionary flexfields (Cost Center, Cost Type, Project). Mapping tables have been created to automate this process as much as possible, but departments will need to be involved to some extent as the data owners.
In general, it will be a collaboration between Divisional Control Points, departments, and BFS with the support of ITS. In particular, departments will be very involved in translating how to use the Account, Fund, Financial Reporting Unit (FRU), and Activity segments to meet their business needs.
The FMM team is working closely with the UCPath Center to design an efficient and accurate process for updating salary distribution chart fields. Specific details about how funding strings will be updated and the role departments will play are still under review.
Regardless of what happens behind the scenes, all employees will get paid when the system goes live with the new CCOA.
In the future state, the GMC will not be used to accomplish this function. CCOA values will be synced to Gateway directly from Oracle Financials Cloud.
Most historical data will continue to be available in the data warehouse. We are evaluating the level of data which will be available for purposes of analysis which would span multiple years across the two charts. The specific details of this are still under discussion.
While some fund numbers will remain the same, like 19900 'State General Fund,' most funds will be assigned a new value. In many cases, legacy funds will be consolidated into a single new fund, for example 'Federal Contracts and Grants' or 'Other Unrestricted Funds.' This will facilitate fund reconciliation and reporting.
As of fall 2023, all active legacy funds (approximately 5,100) have been mapped to 3,000+ CCOA funds.
Will the future state account number be impacted by the amount of object codes in the current state?
Legacy object codes have been mapped to future state accounts. The amount of object codes will not determine the amount of future state accounts. The CCOA accounts are categorized in a hierarchical manner to enable roll-up reporting, but still allow for detailed tracking of the nature of the transaction. New CCOA account values can be created as needed.
The use of each CCOA segment has been defined. A guiding principle in the chart design is to provide a new chart of accounts that is robust and flexible enough to meet most business needs. If a department has a significant and recurring need that is not satisified by the other segments, a request for a specific Activity value may be made.
We are developing extensive training on the new Common Chart of Accounts (CCOA), which will include multiple and repeated examples of how current chart strings compare to what they'll look like in the new format. We'll provide an update when this training becomes available, and can assure that there will be many training options on the new CCOA leading up to the Oracle Financials Cloud (OFC) go-live as well as on an ongoing basis after implementation.
We will establish a campuswide process for review and determination of any new chart segment values in the future state.
In the new CCOA, each Financial Reporting Unit (FRU) will use an Account value to identify specific revenue sources by type (i.e. tuition, student fees, auxiliary enterprises) as opposed to who provided the revenue. The same revenue accounts can be used across campus, and fund and FRU values will differentiate who manages revenue.
Departments will work with their Divisional CFOs/Control Points to initiate requests to establish Commitment, Activity, and Program values. Project values will be derived from the Projects and Grants Management (PGM) module within Oracle Financials Cloud.
Yes, other systems used on campus will have the new CCOA chartfields available when we go live. As a reminder, the Cost Type and Cost Center segments in the current chart will no longer be used after go-live on July 1, 2025. Other segments of the CCOA will be used to accommodate these needs.
Change, Communications, & Training
Departments all across campus are currently experiencing record hiring and resource shortages. Although FMM may increase workloads for some staff, the program leadership has negotiated a 12-month extension from the initial proposed go-live date to provide ample time for training and addressing impacts.
Staff will need to allot ample time for completing the required training activities for system users. However, the training timeline has been shifted to reduce overlap with fiscal close activities to address resource constraints during this time of year. The training approach will include both instructor-lead and self-paced training for greater efficiency and convenience.
We realize that past project implementations have been difficult. A program of this magnitude will be challenging, but we are doing several things to make this transition as smooth as we can, particularly in the area of training:
- We are learning from other UC campuses that are ahead of us with similar implementations of what worked and what didn’t, and taking that into consideration
- We have also included lessons learned from past projects in planning this effort. For training, there will be an environment - like a sandbox - for end users to become comfortable with the system. We know that different people learn differently, and you can expect the training program to also offer a blended approach in an effort to cater to as many learning preferences as possible
One of the most challenging aspects of UCPath was the approach to go-live, which involved groups of campuses going live at the same time, sacrificing campus-specific needs in some cases.
With Financial Management Modernization, we have much more control over the entire project, the approach we follow, and the related timeline. We also plan to have readiness assessments performed during the duration of the project to help us understand and address risks and issues well in advance of go-live.
Chuck Haines, Associate Chancellor for Finance & Resource Management and FMM Executive Sponsor, has met with Deans and Department Chairs to discuss this program and its objectives. An Academic Advisory Committee, comprised mainly of faculty nominated by the Academic Senate, is meeting regularly with Chuck and other project leaders to discuss faculty engagement among a variety of other project related items.
The first year will be difficult because every few months we will be learning and doing something on the system for the very first time. After that, using the system should become more and more straightforward and we should all start reaping the benefits from the new system in very tangible ways, like more skills transferable between departments and better reporting for planning purposes.
We will offer a variety of training modalities so that users can choose their preferred learning option. Formats will include live training (offered both in person and virtually), recordings of live training that can be accessed at any time, self-guided e-learning, videos, and quick reference job aids, as well as in-app guidance integrated into select frequently-used software applications.
We are committed to providing training on a continual basis. In addition to regularly scheduled live training (both in person and virtual), we will also provide “anytime” training options including recordings, e-learning, and in-app guidance.
People who work remotely will receive equal access to learning opportunities as those who work on campus. Learning options for remote workers will leverage live video conferencing, e-learning, video, and recordings, and will include opportunities for engagement and collaboration where possible.
Live training sessions will be recorded whenever possible and made available for access at any time. We will also offer many live training sessions on a consistent, ongoing basis, so you’ll have multiple opportunities to attend live sessions when your schedule permits. There will also be opportunities to leverage self-guided learning, such as e-learnings, job aids, and in-app guidance, until the next live training session comes around.
Subscribe to the FMM mailing list to receive information about FMM training as it becomes available.
We are still determining whether or not certain training sessions will be required. The decision to make a training required will depend on a variety of factors, such as the complexity of the subject matter, how essential the topic is to certain roles or tasks, and the level of risk involved with the task. More information will be provided as these decisions are made.
Yes. We will offer training in a “sandbox” environment that will match the production environment to the highest degree possible. There may be minor differences based on adjustments requested during User Acceptance Testing, which may overlap slightly with the training period. Any cosmetic or functional changes to the live environment will be communicated in a timely manner, and training materials will be updated to reflect the current state.
We are performing a workforce assessment to gain a better understanding of what types of financial functions are being performed in different jobs and positions (for example, differences in research versus academic units). The results of this assessment will help us think about how to best organize and differentiate job functions in the future state. We are committed to being thoughtful about how we train end users who have different roles and use cases.
Yes. The Office of Financial Training, a new unit under Finance & Resource Management, is developing a series of "pathways" that will include recommendations for which courses will be most relevant and helpful to users based on their roles and how they'll use the new financial system.
We'll always include the estimated training duration so that people know exactly how much time a training session will take and can decide how it best fits into their schedule.
We are still exploring different options for managing support after go-live, and are taking into consideration the departmental perspective and experience with existing ticketing systems.
We will offer a variety of dates/times for training sessions to accommodate everyone that would like to attend. If demand is greater than we anticipate, then additional sessions will be added as needed.
Campus Involvement
Reach out to your divisional representative in the project, or contact us directly through our contact form.
The GUS Board and power users began engagement with Enterprise Technology Services in 2019 to document the unique needs of the user community and critical functionalities within GUS in order to better inform the future state environment. This partnership and preparatory work is a critical component to the success of this implementation. Key members of the GUS community continue to be engaged in the project, and the GUS Board are formally engaged in the FMM project as a stakeholder group. The GUS Board elected members to form a EPM Project Forecasting functional process representative group to aid in testing this tool and validating that critical needs, particularly for post-award management of sponsored projects, are addressed. Additionally, several power-using GUS departments have participated as a Prototype Group for PGM conversion objects by partnering with the PGM team to test conversion approach and validate end user feasibility. They also provide key inputs during reconciliation cycles and serve as resources for the project.
Divisional CFOs are part of the project governance to ensure that departmental needs are documented and addressed. System requirements & needs from the GUS user community (via detailed user stories) have been integrated into the project design.
In addition, the project leadership remains committed to continue to meet with critical campus stakeholders, such as UCAMP, to continue to discuss and understand departmental context.
In addition to working with divisional CFOs, will a breadth of departmental users also be consulted?
Yes. We have 36 subject matter experts (SME) from departments across campus who attend design sessions for the Oracle Financials Cloud module(s) in their respective area of expertise. We identified individuals from departments whose business processes and end user experiences reflect a wide range of campus needs to ensure that all potential system requirements are taken into account.
Additionally, the change, communications, and training (CCT) team has begun and will continue to conduct interviews with departmental stakeholders to document areas of concern and share these findings with the project governance.
The UCSB graduate division is working with graduate divisions at other UC campuses to gain a full understanding of potential challenges that may be faced based on their experiences implementing OFC. Our graduate division is also coordinating with the FMM project team to ensure that the unique needs of this group are taken into account. More information about specific impacts will be shared as these conversations progress.
Due to limited testing capacity and resource constraints, a group of testers was selected to best represent the target audience and the diverse needs of our campus. This approach ensures focused feedback on the most critical aspects of the financial program.
UAT testers were selected to represent a variety of different roles, job functions, departments, and divisions to ensure we test end-to-end processes for a wide range of use cases.
Divisional CFOs in consultation with FMM program teams and divisional leads selected the UAT testers.