Power BI is a tool used to view and report different sets of campus data. The Common Chart of Accounts (CCOA) Explorer Tool is a set of data within Power BI that combines the new CCOA data with legacy Chart of Accounts information to allow for viewing and understanding of the overall hierarchy of the new CCOA. For more information on Power BI, please see campus data services' Power BI webpage.
For support with this tool, see below for instructional videos and scheduled office hours. You can also watch a recording of the virtual Explorer Tool training hosted by the Office of Financial Training in November 2024.
Requesting Access to Power BI
A step-by-step guide on how to access Power BI through the UCSB Data Warehouse and download the CCOA Explorer Tool application.
Navigating Power BI
How to navigate Power BI's interface and the CCOA Explorer Tool, covering key features like navigating the menus, filtering, and exporting data.
Understanding the FRU Hierarchy Report
How to navigate the available reports, filters, and data hierarchies within the Explorer Tool to help users understand and access financial information at various organizational levels.
Office Hours Schedule
- Thursday, March 13 from 9-10 a.m. (Zoom link)
- Tuesday, March 25 from 2-3 p.m. (Zoom link)
- Wednesday, April 16 from 3-4 p.m. (Zoom link TBA)
- Wednesday, May 7 from 11am-12pm (Zoom link TBA)
- Wednesday, June 4 from 11am-12pm (Zoom link TBA)